Elevate Consulting

Gone phishing: How cyber criminals hook unsuspecting victims with scams

Journalist Deborah Knight delves into phishing attacks, the most common reported type of scam in Australia, in the second episode of Anatomy of a Scam.

Experts believe that one in every 99 emails sent is a phishing email.

This concerning fact, and the increasing prevalence of phishing attacks, set the opening scene for the second episode.

All those emails and texts urging you to click a link or ring a number – they’re all phishing attempts and usually have two main objectives, according to Nick Klein from CyberX.“Usually a phishing email is aiming to either get a user to open something that puts malware onto their computer to compromise it – we’re all familiar with dodgy email attachments,” he says.“The second way that phishing emails work is to try to get someone to click a link which will take you to a website, which again will either try to download something […]

Click here to view original article: www.commbank.com.au