Elevate Consulting

Emerging cyber threats

Case Studies After an eight-month foresight exercise, the European Union’s cyber security agency ENISA has come out with the top cybersecurity threats to emerge by 2030.

Crete-based ENISA’s Executive Director Juhan Lepassaar said: “The mitigation of future risks cannot be postponed or avoided. This is why any insight into the future is our best insurance plan. As the saying goes: “prevention is better than cure”. It is our responsibility to take all measures possible upfront to ensure we increase our resilience over the years for an improved cybersecurity landscape in 2030 and beyond.”

The ten are in an infographic on this link to the ENISA website and are, listed:

Supply chain compromise of software dependencies; Advanced disinformation campaigns; Rise of digital surveillance authoritarianism/loss of privacy; Human error and exploited legacy systems within cyber-physical ecosystems; Targeted attacks enhanced by smart device data; Lack of analysis and control of space-based infrastructure and objects; Rise […]

Click here to view original article: www.professionalsecurity.co.uk