Elevate Consulting

Cyber Pirates

“All war presupposes human weakness and seeks to exploit it.” – Carl von Clausewitz, On War

Published Nov 20, 2022 2:38 PM by Sean M. Holt (Article originally published in Sept/Oct 2022 edition.)

Swashbuckling pirates and sabotage on the high seas have gone digital. Ransomware has replaced the cutlass. In fact, the entirety of modern conflict has evolved into Fifth Generation Warfare with information and perception as its framework. Often referred to as the “Gray Zone” or “hybrid warfare,” the term encompasses cyberattacks, nonviolent economic pressure and disinformation campaigns.

It’s the weaponization of anything.The threat is massive and echoed by many. Klaus Schwab, Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – whose October 2019 pandemic tabletop exercise, “Event 201,” and the “SPARS” scenarios accurately predicted a coronavirus – has issued a new warning. During the 2021 WEF Cyber Polygon exercise, Schwab flagged “paying insufficient attention to the […]

Click here to view original article: maritime-executive.com