Elevate Consulting

Never lose your ID, especially in cyberspace

Identity theft is a serious cybersecurity risk you must watch out for. When someone steals another person’s personal information and uses it for their profit, especially without the person’s consent, this is referred to as identity theft. Numerous varieties of identity theft exist, each with a unique impact on the victim. No matter how you define identity theft, it always puts the target’s reputation, financial stability, or future in danger. Cybersecurity 101: Types of identity theft

Cyber security precautions are vital against identity theft

It is practically difficult to completely avoid becoming a target because there are so many ways identity theft can occur. A thief can benefit from your identity even if you don’t have a lot of cash assets, a high credit score, or access to worthwhile targets like people or secured systems.

In many instances, the consequences of having your identity stolen may not have a […]

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