Elevate Consulting

Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity professionals continually defend computer systems against different types of cybersecurity threats. Even with firewalls, antivirus solutions, and cyber security-aware employees, cybercriminals manage to exploit … Cybersecurity threats will continue to increase in 2022 if robust measures are not undertaken. Cybersecurity is an enormous issue today. A host of new cybersecurity … Cybersecurity threats are […]

Data Bill: Endless riddle of right to privacy entangled with consent

DH Illustration Since the introduction of the new data protection draft , its features and characteristics have been under debate, and the primary purposes of the privacy policy need to encompass these discussions. The new Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP Bill) has brought substantial changes and delights. The new PDP Bill is written in […]

Never lose your ID, especially in cyberspace

Identity theft is a serious cybersecurity risk you must watch out for. When someone steals another person’s personal information and uses it for their profit, especially without the person’s consent, this is referred to as identity theft. Numerous varieties of identity theft exist, each with a unique impact on the victim. No matter how you […]