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Cybersecurity training

If your organization deals with sensitive information on a regular basis, you most likely have varying levels of digital security on your radar at all times. As cyber attacks become ...


Founded in 2020, the State Risk and Authorization Management Program (StateRAMP) is a program that aims to help state and local governments in the United States manage the risks associated ...

ethical hacking

The word “hacking” has long had a negative connotation, generally being used in the context of security breaches involving people with malicious intent. For many, the term “ethical hacking” may ...

US launches new national cybersecurity strategy

In 2018 the Department of Homeland Security released a 5-year strategy to provide a framework to execute their cybersecurity responsibilities. The goal was to improve national cybersecurity risk management by ...

Upstream EDE Entity

There are three categories for an upstream EDE Entity: For all upstream arrangements, the following must be observed: It’s important to note that all EDE Web Brokers, DE Technology Providers, ...

combining FedLine and SWIFT CSP

Let’s break down the benefits of combining FedLine and SWIFT CSP We recognize that each of these products is different – but both are electronic banking (e-banking) channels with similar ...

ISO 27001:2022

In 2013, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released a revised 27001 framework outlining best practices to help organizations manage the security of their information assets. Ten years later, it ...

CMS DE and EDE Pathway

Direct Enrollment (DE) permits consumers to purchase a Marketplace health plan from a source other than Healthcare.gov; however, the process was cumbersome – consumers had to be redirected to Healthcare.gov ...

It has been no secret that the Cybersecurity workforce is facing a significant talent shortage. Whether due to natural lack of interest, decrease in STEM curriculum, or impressions of being ...

OWASP Top 10

It might not have made Letterman’s list, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important! The OWASP Top 10 provides rankings for the most critical web app security risks. As their ...

NYDFS regulation changes

On November 9, 2022  the NYDFS announced major revisions to their existing laws with regards to cybersecurity and reporting. Recent updates to their 2017 cybersecurity regulation for financial service companies ...

FedRAMP authorization act signed by president biden

On Wednesday January 11th, FedRAMP was excited to announce that the FedRAMP Authorization Act has been signed by President Biden as a part of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act ...